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Bhutan Karma Leksheyling

The building of Bhutan Leksheyling is still in the preliminary stage, only very few construction is established.  Be one of the founder of Bhutan Leksheyling, even a small contribution will have huge benefit the children.


Bhutan Karma Leksheyling is still under construction.  We now already have 28 students.  With the great support of everyone from Taiwan, Hong Kong and all over the world, we made this miracle project possible.

We build it slowly, one stone by one stone, but believe there will be a day of completion. It benefits the Bhutan child, to give them education and hope.

Thank you for all the dharma friends, without your support, it won't be possible.

不丹噶瑪列些林佛學院於 2016 年開始籌建,由尊貴的確戒仁波切授權堪布噶瑪南嘉處理。感恩眾多護法的幫助,堪布南嘉親力親為,最初只能有少量資金購買土地,之後就購買沙石,由於資金不足,不丹佛學院一度停工,要等待有足夠資金才可購買建材,一步一步的建造,到現在已經有一年多了。成立不到一年,現已有30位小孩入住,不單只小孩子有健康學習成長的機會,還給與照顧。這些孩子都是沒有父母又或者父母沒有能力教養而送到山上,有些小孩子連鞋都沒穿過的。目前,不丹列些林雖然還沒有正式的院社作為上課的課室,但學生們都非常珍惜上學的機會。希望各地善心人,護法可以伸出援手,幫助未來世界的小主人。


In order to build the construction which is still under very initial stage,  we need your continuous in any kinds of contribution, please contact the HK Karma Leksheyling for the donation.

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